Dear Cambria Community,

As wildfires become an increasing concern in our Community, it’s imperative that we come together to ensure the safety of our homes and loved ones. With this goal in mind, we are excited to announce the agenda for our upcoming Wildfire Preparedness Day on May 11th – 9am to 1pm at the Veterans Hall in Cambria.

Here’s a rundown of the day’s events:

Poster Contest Winners by Roberta/Chris
Kicking off the day, we’ll celebrate the creative efforts of our community’s youth with the announcement of the Poster Contest Winners. Their artwork serves as a reminder of the importance of wildfire preparedness.

Fire Insurance Update (UP by Zoom)
Staying informed about our insurance policies is crucial in the event of a wildfire. Join us for an informative session via Zoom to learn about the latest updates and tips for ensuring adequate coverage.

Home Hardening/Defensible Space by Bob Putney
Bob Putney, an expert in home hardening and defensible space, will share valuable insights and practical advice on how to fortify your home and create a defensible space to mitigate the risk of wildfire damage.

Genasys Protect “Know your Zone” by Keith Aggson
Understanding evacuation zones is essential for swift and orderly evacuations during emergencies. Keith Aggson from Genasys Protect will educate attendees on how to identify their evacuation zones and stay informed during evacuation orders.

Evacuation Scenarios by Greg Alex
Greg Alex will lead a session on evacuation scenarios, providing attendees with a deeper understanding of the various scenarios they may encounter during a wildfire evacuation and how to respond effectively.

Wildfire Scenarios by Nate at the SIM Table
Nate will engage participants in interactive wildfire scenarios at the SIM Table, allowing them to explore different scenarios and practice decision-making skills in a controlled environment.

Grant work in Cambria / San Simeon by Spenser Gordon
Spenser Gordon will wrap up the day with a discussion on grant opportunities available for wildfire preparedness efforts in Cambria and San Simeon. Learn how you can access funding to implement wildfire mitigation measures in your community.

Join us on May 11th at the Veterans Hall in Cambria as we come together to strengthen our community’s resilience against wildfires. Together, we can make a difference and ensure the safety of our homes and families.

See you there!