Our FREE DVD was produced in 2008. It demonstrates what a resident can do to defend from the effects of wildland fire.

Our FREE Information Flier with information for residents. A guide to preparing your home for survival and yourself for evacuation.

Fuel Reduction Saves Lives, Property & Tax Dollars
By thinning and or reducing flammable vegetation in vulnerable communities, we are able to make a difference before the ignition of wildland fire. When the efforts are done collectively by the communities the Fire Safe Council can achieve even more.

Fire resistive green belts around your home can protect you from total loss in a wildfire.
Proper clearance to 100 feet dramatically increases the chance of your house surviving a wildfire. This defensible space also provides for firefighter safety when protecting homes during a wildland fire
UC Master Gardeners Demo Garden: The Master Gardeners, with assistance from the San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council, installed a new Fire Safe Landscape display in our demonstration garden. Located at Garden of the Seven Sisters, 2156 Sierra Way in San Luis Obispo.
SLO Botanical Gardens Fire Safe Demo Garden: The San Luis Obispo Botanical Gardens will be having a Ground breaking for the Fire Safe Demo gardens. Located at 3450 Dairy Creek Road, El Chorro Regional Park (across from Cuesta College).
Arroyo Grande Fire Safe Demo Garden: The City of Arroyo Grande through funding by the San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council, put together a Demo Garden of fire resistive plants native to our area that will help prevent the spread of wildfire to your home. Located at Five Cities Fire Station 140 Traffic Way, Arroyo Grande
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