Board Meeting Recap

Date: July 2024


The July 2024 meeting of the San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council (SLO FSC) Board of Directors covered a range of critical issues and decisions aimed at enhancing fire safety and community resilience across the county. Here’s a summary of the key agenda items discussed:

A. Andrea Valdes, Community Relations & Outreach Branch, CA Insurance Commission (via Zoom) Phone# 213-346-6403

Sustainable Insurance Strategy061324 Consumer Alert – Cat Modeling Insurer CommitmentsCalifornia-Department-of-Insurance-FAQ-for-Insurance-Commitments-in-Wildfire-Distressed-Areas
  • B. Frank Frievalt, Director of Cal Poly WUI Fire Institute
    C. Ivan O’Neill. Madronus Wildfire Defense-structural hardening Presentation : Madronus – SLO FSC Board Meeting – 240717
    D. Mid-State Fair report-Brendan Cosgrove

The Scholarship Committee recommended awarding $2,500 scholarships each to Kyra Otte from Paso Robles High School and Carrie Potts from Cuesta College. The motion to approve these scholarship applications and awards was unanimously passed.

2. Proposed Policy 016 Grant Indirect Expenditures

A draft policy was reviewed regarding the use of grant management fees to fund non-administrative expenses. The policy defines processes for authorizing expenditures beyond administration and establishes approval protocols for both Short Notice and Foreseeable expenditures. The motion to approve Policy 016 was carried forward to ensure efficient fund utilization.

3. Cambria Fire Safe Focus Group-Fiscal Sponsor Proposal

The Cambria Fire Safe Focus Group proposed a fundraiser for fire department supplies and requested SLO FSC to serve as their Fiscal Sponsor. This initiative involves setting up a web-based donation portal, separate banking accounts, and managing fund disbursements. The motion to approve serving as Fiscal Sponsor was passed, emphasizing the council’s commitment to community partnerships.

4. Cambria CSD Evacuation Grant Proposal

Discussion centered around a grant proposal for an evacuation study and outreach project, potentially partnering with SLO FSC. The council received a report and provided direction for further deliberation.

5. Regional Water Quality Control Board Proposed General Order

Concerns were raised regarding the potential negative impacts of a draft proposal on vegetation treatment and sedimentation. The council recommended more research and a cautious approach pending further review.

6. Grant Activity Updates

Executive Director Dan Turner provided updates on current and pending grant activities:

  • Current Grant Activity: Updates on ongoing projects funded by various grants.
  • Grant Application Award Decisions: Approval and progress updates on several projects under PG&E and State FSC grants.
  • Grants Pending: Updates on pending wildfire prevention grants and resilience grants.
  • Grant Extension Request: Discussion on extending the SLO County Hazard Fuel Reduction Grant to accommodate project completion.

7. Good of the Order / Future Agenda

Members discussed additional items of interest and outlined future agenda items for upcoming meetings.

8. Next Meetings

Details were provided for the next Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings scheduled for August and September 2024, respectively.

This recap highlights the proactive measures and strategic decisions undertaken by the San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council to advance fire safety, community partnerships, and grant-funded projects across the region. Stay tuned for more updates as the council continues its vital work in promoting fire resilience and safety within the community.

For more information and detailed minutes of the meeting, please visit [SLO FSC website] or contact [Executive Director Dan Turner].